The children we are raising will someday run things? God help us. The same spoiled little brats will have to rise to the occasion and run the world?
We will have to be tolerant and let them learn from their mistakes. After all we weren’t born smart either. It seems that today children are particularly ill prepared to lead the country much less the world. The world is such a mess that it will require the future leadership of skilled leaders to pull us through. I am guardedly optimistic but I will be waiting and watching to see how the leadership goes. Createurs De Luxe is a look at the future of the world.
Tag: discipline
Kids will be Kids
Will kids really be kids? Are they really just pre-programmed and we have little influence? I think the answer is yes and no.
I think that a good kid can be influenced to become a bad kid. If that is true then why do bad things happen to good kids? Well the average kid is really the sum of the people around him. If we can surround our children with good kids then they have a good shot at coming out fine. Jody Rookstool has a way with kids and bring out the best in them. They will ultimately be what they were meant to be.
Child Discipline
Child discipline is all over the map. Some parents still spank as needed while others use time outs. The on thing that has to be involved is consistency. If you do not follow up and be consistent the kids will toke over the house. How many time have you visited someone with wild kids and couldn’t even have a conversation? Kids will challenge you every day. How they behave is directly linked to you and your spouse being consistent. GGB Magazine|Joe Olujic has an article about child discipline methods. What ever your method just plan to be consistent and the kids will turn out fine.